Friday, January 29, 2010


If you frequent any mommy boards, this subject always breaks out the claws of what we call intactivists. It's a penis, not the holy grail. Some people choose not to do it and others do. Those who do it have abused and mutilated their child. Recently we had the pleasure of seeing mothers who circumsize referred to as Pedophiles. Yes, a pedophile.A person who targets children sexually or has a fetish regarding children!

FGM is usually the removal of labia and the woman is sewn up so all that can get through is menstrual blood. The clitoris is often removed too. If you are acquainted with basic fetal genital development, you would know that the foreskin is equivalent to the clitoral hood. So, if we performed circ's that equal the damage done during FGM, we would have to remove the actual head of the penis and a good part of the shaft. Obviously, this is not what is happening. These two things are unequal.

What is interesting is these women speak of the child's sex life. The penis will be damaged, his penis won't work correctly, he will have erectile dysfunction, etc. It is said that the foreskin makes sex better for him. How do we know this?? The intactivist sites say it is so. Men are told that they are missing something that makes sex better instead of telling the man that if sex sucks, he needs to work on it! Way to pass the buck!

There are studies that say circumcision reduces the risk for STD's (including HIV), UTI's, and penile cancer. Yet, those studies done by the government are flawed horribly and not to be trusted (where is my eye rolling smilie?).

1 comment:

LynnF said...

The circing and HIV studies were done in sub-saharan Africa where the HIV infection rates hover in the 30-40% range. They have no relevance to Western raised little boys for whom condom access is not a problem and societally acceptable. Circumcision is a personal choice but has no bearing on the health of a child.

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