Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Facebook page created

The page is called SafEST Homebirth. I should be able to get a blog up and going here very soon and will place the link here and on Safest's wall. So, join up, and tell others. Let's show people that safe homebirth practices are important. No more of this every woman can do it, everything is "a variation of normal", uneducated midwives know everything and are to be desired (*gah*) crap. It's still odd for me that I've come full circle almost. I know this idea may not be popular amongst others, but, I'm willing to put myself out there. Oh, we won't support midwives who negligently take lives and sure as heck aren't going to blame parents!! If you are a CNM or CM, please join up, I would love to have you there! Let's see if we can't blow these other blogs/pages out of the water.

Here is The new blog!

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