Midwifery is legal in North Carolina if you are a Certified Nurse Midwife. The thing with CPM's/lay midwives is that they are uneducated, have no accountability, do not carry malpractice insurance, have no standards, etc. In states where they are licensed to practice, there is still no accountability. In Colorado, for instance, the perinatal mortality rate for their licensed midwives, is 2.5 X higher than the state as a whole. How will licensing help?? How about supporting a bill that says CNM's can practice without having to have a physician babysitting them so that CNM's could be providing homebirth services? Give women access to safe and qualified providers.
I think the homebirth community, as a whole, would fare better if they held midwives up to higher standards and did not blindly support negligence. People are seeing the reactions from some within the community and saying "Whoa, hold up, babies are dying here and we cannot allow this anymore". When you defend negligence and ignore what is occurring, you are shooting yourself in the foot.
When it comes to bullies, I can honestly say I have seen that coming directly from the community to anyone who stands up, especially us mothers who speak out about the preventable deaths of our babies at the hands of our homebirth midwives.
It’s time to stand up to the bulles? Absolutely. Yes it is. It’s time to stand up for women who have lost babies at home and get no support from the homebirth community. Who lose babies and face midwives raising money for the negligent women who pretend they are qualified to take care of them and their babies. I’ve been bullied by the homebirth movement and I’m so relieved that someone is standing up to women falsely promoting the idea that CPMs are qualified enough to take care of women and babies at home. The NC Medical Society are protecting parents, not bullying them. Let’s recognize what really matters: protecting babies. Oregon just demonstrated exactly how dangerous licensing CPM would be with an 8 times higher death rate than hospital birth. And that’s in a report done by a midwifery advocate! Read this and tell me what we really should be protesting http://momofmanyfeet.wordpress.com/2013/03/31/what-really-matters/ Show me how midwifes are going to have enforced risk out criteria, malpractice insurance, accountability to a board of people not mostly made up of other CPMs, adequate training and experience with courses that include anatomy, physiology and how to handle low risk pregnancies that turn into high risk deliveries, and then you can slander the people who are working to protect women and babies in North Carolina.
How can someone write such a thing after the stats that were just released in Oregon? 8x higher death rate. 8 X HIGHER DEATH RATE in one of those magical states where 'midwives run free. This has got to stop. There is nothing more important than the safety of mothers and babies.
Thank you for allowing comments here! I typed up a long comment about my own experience being bullied by supporters of some local midwives (who were responsible for several babies' deaths) but course it was never published on Where's My Midwife.
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