Thursday, July 7, 2011

The incredible brain!

This is your brain

 Every single living breathing human being has one, or at least they're supposed to. Henci Goer wrote a book about a thinking woman's guide to birth. Although I find her to be a complete tool, I have to laugh at the irony. When a NCB advocate educates themselves, it really seems as though they are all using the same playbook. After a while it really gets old. They are so use to using the same playbook that anyone else who doesn't spout the same drivel must be using the opposing teams playbook. They never stop to think that maybe, just maybe, some of us know what each playbook says and have a playbook of our very own. Imagine that one. Not all non-NCB/HB advocates get information from a few sites. We use that big organ in our heads called a brain and are able to *gasp* think for ourselves. What you see here, you aren't going to find anywhere else. When I cite numbers, these are numbers I look up, not information I see and spout off. Advocates, you may want to try it. I know when I go elsewhere, I'm not "Oh, I know you are just saying this because you got it from soandsoidiotblogger" and blow people off. No. I give people the benefit of the doubt and hear what they are saying, even when it boils down to "I watched the Business of being born" or "I read Spiritual Midwifery". Amazingly everybody who isn't on board with the natural or homebirth with a CPM thing is accused of being one of Amy's minions or a troll of hers. I swear I think people picture Amy as the Wicked witch and we are her flying monkeys. Sorry, we are all our own witches. We boil our own brew and do our own bidding, though we do love our potlucks!

This is your brain on woo. Once it is unused enough, it will fall out and you can have it encapsulated with your placenta!

The incredible brain!

This is your brain

 Every single living breathing human being has one, or at least they're supposed to. Henci Goer wrote a book about a thinking woman's guide to birth. Although I find her to be a complete tool, I have to laugh at the irony. When a NCB advocate educates themselves, it really seems as though they are all using the same playbook. After a while it really gets old. They are so use to using the same playbook that anyone else who doesn't spout the same drivel must be using the opposing teams playbook. They never stop to think that maybe, just maybe, some of us know what each playbook says and have a playbook of our very own. Imagine that one. Not all non-NCB/HB advocates get information from a few sites. We use that big organ in our heads called a brain and are able to *gasp* think for ourselves. What you see here, you aren't going to find anywhere else. When I cite numbers, these are numbers I look up, not information I see and spout off. Advocates, you may want to try it. I know when I go elsewhere, I'm not "Oh, I know you are just saying this because you got it from soandsoidiotblogger" and blow people off. No. I give people the benefit of the doubt and hear what they are saying, even when it boils down to "I watched the Business of being born" or "I read Spiritual Midwifery". Amazingly everybody who isn't on board with the natural or homebirth with a CPM thing is accused of being one of Amy's minions or a troll of hers. I swear I think people picture Amy as the Wicked witch and we are her flying monkeys. Sorry, we are all our own witches. We boil our own brew and do our own bidding, though we do love our potlucks!

This is your brain on woo. Once it is unused enough, it will fall out and you can have it encapsulated with your placenta!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hey Advocates, your ignorance is showing!

Recently an AP article was published addressing homebirth and how it's risen. Of course the Feminist Bragger, er Breeder, was interviewed. Comment sections are filled with advocates. The ignorance I have seen is astounding. Let's look at some of these comments, shall we??

Look up the stats. You are far safer having your baby at home than a hospital. Home birth have almost NO deaths recorded. Mid wives, and doulas do not take chances. A problem, and off to the hospital you go. The mortality rate for births in hospitals is attrocious. It's almost like we are a third world nation.- Patrick J
HMMMM WHY ARE ALL OUR CHILDREN SICK WITH AUTISM, ADD, ADHD, BLOOD DISORDERS??? Epidorals do not save your child's life. C-sections are not always the answer... -- Cheryl
And as a former nursing student, and a current midwifery student, I find it highly offensive that they call what we must do "lacking nurses' training." A three year intensive program that nearly mimics nursing school with a more in-depth focus on birth is not "lacking."- Angela 
Children have been being born at home for thousands of years...The only fear the "Doctors" have is NOT GETTING THAT MONEY for themselves...Big Pharma is ruining this country... 
My granny gave birth to my dad and uncle, identical twins, on a kitchen table in the middle on their house. They lived. It's the way it has been forever and the way it should be. 
My first child was hospital born, and while it wasn't the worst experience, I plan on home birthing my next child. Most important thing about making any choice in birthing is, BE INFORMED! Research your midwife, ask her questions, make a plan. And people who are judging the couple who didn't have insurance, you have no idea what circumstances brought them to that point. I went through 3 months of my pregnancy un-insured because my husband's new job only insured after 90 days working there. It was nerve wracking, nightmare inducing, that I couldn't see a Dr. for an entire trimester. But we made it through and thank God, had a perfectly healthy child. 
home birth used to be the norm til the hospitals started tellin us how "harmful" it was. lets see how many home born kids have autism 
Has anyone addressed that the ACOG is run by a bunch of men who will never EVER have the personal experience of giving birth? Would you trust a pilot who has never flown a plane? This is just one manifestation of the deep, underlying sexism in the United States: "Men in official uniforms know what's best for everyone." We have the highest hospital birth rate of any country in the developed world, and also the highest mother and infant mortality rates. Statistically speaking, starting out at home is FAR safer, even if you have to be transported later. I'm not against hospitals as institutions -- they have saved the lives of family and friends several times, and in a minority of cases, they are essential for birth as well. But for the vast majority of women, birth is not a medical emergency! It is dramatic and difficult, but it is the most natural act for a woman to perform and one for which our bodies have specifically evolved.
I gave birth to two babies at home surrounded by people who know, love, and TRUST me and my connection to my own body. It was a wonderful experience that I would not have traded for anything. 
Interesting, isn't it?? These people have no common sense!

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