Showing posts with label b. Show all posts
Showing posts with label b. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm pondering something

It's no secret that I DO support CNM's. Why?? 99% of them practice safely. They ARE educated and trained. Their statistics are fantastic! They do adhere to rules and regulations. There is a governing body. Reviews consist of an actual medical board instead of their "peers (ie buddies)". They do carry malpractice insurance. Need I go on??

There is legislation introduced fairly frequently in states where CPM's are illegal. We need people to combat this legislation in these states. I would also like to see a place where we can promote CNM's. Women want homebirth, so they need safe options. CNM's can provide the safety net that can make the difference between life and death for a baby and/or it's mother. There are so many changes that need made in the homebirth system in the USA.

Right now, I'm just brainstorming. Please give me honest opinions. What would you like to see?? I will never give birth again (happy dance- esp after seeing that FB photo circulating), but I want to see things change so that I'm not seeing so many homebirth losses. No family should have to bury their baby, esp when the baby has died a preventable death!! Mothers shouldn't be silenced or treated badly because they dare to admit that their midwife screwed up. These midwives should not continue to practice after multiple babies die preventable deaths. So much needs to change! I just don't know where to begin to really make a difference.

Until blogger gets fixed, I'm going to place my new email address in every post. So, if you want to contact me, you can drop me an email at!

I'm pondering something

It's no secret that I DO support CNM's. Why?? 99% of them practice safely. They ARE educated and trained. Their statistics are fantastic! They do adhere to rules and regulations. There is a governing body. Reviews consist of an actual medical board instead of their "peers (ie buddies)". They do carry malpractice insurance. Need I go on??

There is legislation introduced fairly frequently in states where CPM's are illegal. We need people to combat this legislation in these states. I would also like to see a place where we can promote CNM's. Women want homebirth, so they need safe options. CNM's can provide the safety net that can make the difference between life and death for a baby and/or it's mother. There are so many changes that need made in the homebirth system in the USA.

Right now, I'm just brainstorming. Please give me honest opinions. What would you like to see?? I will never give birth again (happy dance- esp after seeing that FB photo circulating), but I want to see things change so that I'm not seeing so many homebirth losses. No family should have to bury their baby, esp when the baby has died a preventable death!! Mothers shouldn't be silenced or treated badly because they dare to admit that their midwife screwed up. These midwives should not continue to practice after multiple babies die preventable deaths. So much needs to change! I just don't know where to begin to really make a difference.

Until blogger gets fixed, I'm going to place my new email address in every post. So, if you want to contact me, you can drop me an email at!

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